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Marketplace Vendor Upgrades

Sometimes our marketplace vendors want more exposure to go alongside their listing on our website. So For marketplace vendors, we offer a discount on the cost of the “monthly plans”

Our monthly plans offer you things like special labels, higher search and organic listings, social media promos etc. Please see the tables below for features & pricing

Please enter valid URLs for the pricing table shortcode. Each URL should be on a new line.
YearlySave $$
  • Marketplace Plans

  • Search & Pages
  • Social Media Posts
  • Popular Category
  • Your Social Media Links
  • Front Page Feature
  • Popular Label
  • PremiumGet Noticed

  • $ 7 month
    $ 70 Yearly

  • Search & Pages
    High Results
  • Social Media Posts
  • Popular Category
  • Your Social Media Links
  • Front Page Feature
  • Popular Label
  • ExtremeStand out

  • $ 15 month
    $ 150 Yearly

  • Search & Pages
    Top Results
  • Social Media Posts
  • Popular Category
  • Your Social Media Links
  • Front Page Feature
  • Popular Label