What is this subscription box all about?
For the book lovers we have curated the perfect bookish gift boxes. A novel that comes well reviewed and recommended and a collection of little gifts that are relevant to the book and can only be opened when the reader gets to certain pages. It’s a fun reading experience and something a little “out of the box” when it comes to gifting.
What is the price?
$65.00 AUD Per Month
What was included?
Above is the presents you open as you read along with the book
Individual Items:
Newly released book
After She’s Gone by Camilla Grebe. This is a Scandinavian Murder Mystery Book. From the blurb it sounds like it will be a great read.
Brown Notebook
This is the gift for Page 20 where it is mentioned that a lady is leaving a brown book. The notebook is a small size with lined paper and it will come in handy as I love making notes.
Ikea Organic Ginger Thins
On page 168 Gingerbread cookies are talked about so this is the perfect gift to open on this page and having a cookie whilst reading sounds lovely.
Stockholm Blend Tea
They are having a cup of tea on page 187 so when you open the gift for this page you can make a cup of tea which will go great with the biscuits from a few pages before.
Printed recipe
On page 276 they are eating buns so they have provided a printed recipe for Swedish Cinnamon Buns which is a popular dish in Sweden.
Small jar of cinnamon sugar
Cinnamon is mentioned on page 368 so a jar of cinnamon sugar has been gifted and probably can be used if you decide to make the cinnamon buns.
Overall thoughts?
This is a fun box to receive for someone that loves to read. It is a great idea to have individually wrapped gifts to open at certain parts of the book that are related to something on that page.
I liked that it was a newly released book so it is not one that I have read yet and all the gifts that were in the box are things that I can use. Being $65 this is an expensive box for what you get but shipping is included and it is bi-monthly so it is not something you would have to pay for every month.
This box would make a great gift for someone as it is a great concept or if you love reading then it is a fun surprise to get in the mail. I do love reading and this box did make me smile and the idea of opening gifts on certain pages would make me read the book straight away instead of it going on my pile to read one day.
I will continue this one as I am looking forward to the next book and excited to see the gifts.
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Check out my unboxing video below to see exactly what you get in a Box