What is this subscription box all about?
Green Matcha Dream
Matcha, one of Japan’s most special teas is the key ingredient to this month’s snack box! Chocolate
and the world famous matcha-flavored KitKats are all in your box.
What is the price?
$30 USD Per Month
What was included?

Individual Items:

Glico Bitte Matcha Chocolat
Couque D’asses Matcha Chocolate
from Sanritsu
KitKat Matcha from Nestlé

Ring Financier Matcha from Igetadou
Yusha no Gaburichu from Meiji
Awaawa Bombar Lemon Soda from
Umaibo Vege Salad Flavor from

Lifeguard Paste Candy from Coliss
Green Mame Wasabi Flavor from
Ramune Chocobi Cocoa flavor from

Green Apple Mochi from Kyoshin
Green Apple Gum from Marukawa
Takenoko no Sato Mini from Meiji
Check out my unboxing video below to see exactly what you get in a Box