The Domestic Goddess Box | Subscription Box Australia
Every month, you’ll be sent a box full of homemaking goodies for the domestic goddess. Every month will be a different theme, for example a particular room of the house, chore, recipe ingredients, cooking or baking implements, or something to make your life easier as the domestic goddess of your home.
The Domestic Goddess Subscription box has been created to get you accustomed to new products on the market that will help you keep on top of your home life at a discounted price. You may not have heard of them or may not how to use products like these to make your job as homemaker easier. Save money and time on the household chores by trying out new products you may learn to love.
Products will be mainly sourced from Australian, boutique or family businesses. They will be hand picked by me with a strong focus on being environmentally and family friendly so no harmful ingredients. They’ll be picked for their usefuless and for being practical. Why have one hundred different things in your home when you can have one that does the job of one hundred?
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